Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well we are in the move is over (FOR NOW)

Ok Well its done were moved in, KINDA! Everything is there, but not sure where any one thing is.... Here is the before and afters just please remember it is still a work in progress we are living and remodeling at the same time.....

The Living Room Before
new living room

The living Room After (kinda)

Its all a work in progress and Big Thanks to Lisa at www.diaperstodating.blogspot.com for helping me clean ALL day the day after we celebrated WAY TOO MUCH for the FL Gators game.

My bedroom in its current Condition:

My make shift kitchen for now.
new kitchen 2

My Office (or should I say storage room)

The dining room notice how of course Chris' Fish tank is in and almost compltely set up before anything else was..... MEN!

So yeah this is what Im living in now 1000 Sq. Ft of Boxes YAY!!!!
It will be cute when we are done but we are nowhere near done at this point!

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