Wednesday, July 9, 2008

a day in the life of toddler sisters

the girls, the girls.....THE GIRLS!!!

I like to pride myself on my children being rather well behaved when in public and always get complimented on what little angels they are... IN PUBLIC....

At home however have a mixture of a 1.5 y/o bully that antagonizes her older much whinier 3.5 y/o sister to the point of an almost bipolar episode.... I meanscreaming yelling throwing things type of meltdown which then they both end up in time out whining and crying the typical MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!

Then we get to dinner time.... While the younger of the two "angels" will sit in her high chair and gladly devour anything that goes in front of her.(even if not edible) THe older "angel" it is usually nothing short of me standing and feeding the almost four yr old because she "doesnt like" ANYTHING!!!!

Then baths and bed time is nothing short of a catastrophe and when did we get to the "mooooommmmmmyyyy i need a drink" every five minutes stage?

Just a few mommy moments to share with the world of momma's!

Hope you all are well!